2.7.5. Removal and installation of a head of the block of cylinders (engine of 1,4-1,6 l)
Before the procedure of check warm up the engine up to the working temperature (oil temperature – 80 °C).
Open a cowl
Remove the case of the air filter.
Disconnect a plait of wires of the sensor of a mass consumption of air.
Disconnect the line of ventilation of the fuel tank.
Disconnect a hose of ventilation of the engine from an air inlet hose.
Having removed a collar, disconnect an air inlet hose from a throttle branch pipe.
Having removed a collar, disconnect the case of the air filter.
Turn off a bolt of fastening of the lower rubber support and disconnect it.
Disconnect an inlet pipe.
Disconnect sockets of a plait of wires of a throttle branch pipe.
Disconnect hoses of cooling liquid from a throttle branch pipe.
Place below a container for discharge.
Remove 2 collars.
Disconnect a hose of cooling liquid.
Dump fuel pressure by means of the special KM-J-34730-91 tool via the test union, for this purpose turn off a protective cover of the test union.
Collect the coming-out fuel in a suitable container.
Follow safety rules and requirements of the local legislation
Disconnect the giving fuel-supply line from a fuel stage from the KM special tool 796.
Disconnect the quick disconnect coupling.
Disconnect the vacuum highway of the amplifier of brakes from an inlet collector.
Disconnect the quick disconnect coupling.
Disconnect the line of the ventilating valve of the fuel tank from an inlet collector.
Disconnect the socket of a plait of wires of the ventilating valve of the fuel tank.
Disconnect a forward exhaust pipe from catalytic converter, having turned off 3 nuts of fastening.
Place below a container for discharge
Attach a suitable hose to the drain union.
Unscrew the drain screw of cooling liquid.
Merge cooling liquid.
Tighten the drain screw of cooling liquid.
Shutdown of power supply systems and engine management
Disconnect sockets of a plait of wires of the module of engine management.
Disconnect the fuse.
Disconnect 2 mass wires, having turned off 2 nuts of fastening.
Disconnect 6 caps of a plait of wires of the engine: cap, ignition module, oil pressure sensor, sensor of temperature of cooling liquid, cam-shaft sensor.
Release a plait of wires.
Disconnect the thermostat case from the pump of cooling liquid, having turned off 3 bolts of fastening.
Remove laying.
Disconnect a hose of cooling liquid from a radiator.
Disconnect a hose of cooling liquid from the valve of recirculation of the fulfilled gases.
Weaken a collar.
Disconnect the socket of a plait of wires of the sensor of concentration of oxygen.
Take out an arm cap.
Disconnect a plait of wires from an arm.
Remove lifting brackets of the engine, having turned off 2 bolts of fastening.
Unscrew the thermal screen.
Turn off 2 bolts.
Pick up the directing probe phone for measurement of level of oil.
Disconnect from a final collector.
Turn off a bolt.
Remove a final collector, having turned off the 9th bolt of fastening.
Removal of an oil filter
Disconnect a cover from the case of an oil filter.
Remove an element of an oil filter.
Disconnect the case of an oil filter from the block of cylinders, having turned off 3 bolts of fastening.
Remove laying.
Take off a poliklinovy belt.
Mark the direction of rotation.
Turn a natyazhitel of a poliklinovy belt clockwise using KM adaptation 6131.
Install KM-955-2 adaptation.
Weaken a natyazhitel of a poliklinovy belt.
Disconnect a belt pulley of the pump of cooling liquid from the pump of cooling liquid, having turned off 3 bolts of fastening.
Remove the gas distribution mechanism case.
Turn off 4 bolts of fastening of the pump of cooling liquid.
Turn off 5 bolts of fastening of the case of the mechanism of gas distribution.
Disconnect the cam-shaft sensor from the gas distribution mechanism case, having turned off a fastening bolt.
Disconnect a ventilating hose of the engine from a cover of a head of the block of cylinders.
Removal of the module of ignition
Remove a plait of wires of the module of ignition.
Uncover the ignition module a cover of a head of the block of cylinders in the direction of an arrow
Turn off two bolts of fastening.
Separate the ignition module from spark plugs by means of the KM special tool 6009.
Disconnect a cover of a head of the block of cylinders from a head of the block of cylinders, having turned off 13 bolts of fastening.
Remove a cap of the basis of the block of cylinders.
Lower the car.
Install the piston of the first cylinder in the provision of VMT (ignition)
Install the KM special tool 952. Smoothly rotate the crankshaft until the KM special tool 952 reaches against the stop.
The tag on a belt pulley of a bent shaft has to be combined with a ledge on the gas distribution mechanism case.
Remove a guide from a head of the block of cylinders, having turned off 2 bolts of fastening.
Remove cam-shaft cogwheels, having turned off 2 bolts of fastening.
Hold an open wrench for a cam-shaft hexagon.
Place camshaft asterisks on the one hand with a chain in the gas distribution mechanism case.
Removal of a head of the block of cylinders
Turn off bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders in the order shown in the drawing.
Turn off 12 bolts on 90 °.
Turn off 12 bolts on 180 °.
Remove a head of the block of cylinders
Get a natyazhitel of a chain for the tension tire.
Establish a head of the block of cylinders on whetstones.
Remove laying of a head of the block of cylinders.
Disconnect laying of the case of the mechanism of gas distribution.
Cut off the condensing elastomer edges (amount II) of laying of the case of the mechanism of gas distribution to outer side a sharp knife from within and make aflush with the block of cylinders
Accurately bend laying in points of a bend (arrow).
Remove the remains of laying and clear the condensed surfaces
Provide removal of the remains of the condensing elastomer edge from space between the case of the mechanism of gas distribution and the block of cylinders, and also from the gas distribution mechanism case.
Check a head of the block of cylinders and the block of cylinders for planeness.
During the checking or repair of a head of the block of cylinders disconnect all external elements from the cylinder.
Establish laying of a head of the block of cylinders.
Cut off the acting parts of elastomer (size I) from the gas distribution mechanism.
Put the roller of kremniyevorganichesky sealant of the mechanism, (gray) on the case, the gas distribution / block of cylinders about 2 mm thick (size I).
The head of the block of cylinders has to be established within 10 min. after putting silicon (gray) sealant and installation of bolts of the case of the mechanism of gas distribution.
Install new laying of a head of the block of cylinders on the block of cylinders.
Marking of TOP has to be from above.
Press laying in the field of putting silicon (gray) sealant.
Establish the top laying of the case of the mechanism of gas distribution.
Establish 2 (shooters) of a bolt of the case of the mechanism of gas distribution.
Install new laying on the gas distribution mechanism case.
Fix by bolts.
Press laying in the field of putting silicon (gray) sealant.
Put the roller of kremniyevorganichesky sealant of the mechanism, (gray) on the case, the gas distribution / block of cylinders about 2 mm thick (size I).
Installation of a head of the block of cylinders
Enter the special KM-955-1 tool through an opening in the gas distribution mechanism case.
Enter a natyazhitel of a chain on the tension tire.
Establish a pin in a guide.
Fix a head of the block of cylinders.
Wrap new bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders on several turns.
Install the gas distribution mechanism case.
Modify the provision of a head of the block of cylinders easy blows of the rubber hammer in the direction of the gas distribution mechanism case.
Tighten 3 bolts the moment of 8 N · m.
Tighten 12 bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders the moment of 25 N · m, tighten on +60 ° +60 ° +60 °.
Pay attention to the correct sequence of an inhaling.
Installation of other components is carried out as it should be, the return to removal.