7.1.2. Rechargeable battery
The car considered in this manual have the electric system working energized 12 V. Mass of a body connects to the minus plug of the rechargeable battery. The rechargeable battery is in a motor compartment or under a back seat (models with the conditioner, and also some diesel modifications).
The rechargeable battery performs three main functions in electric system of the car:
– gives electric current for launch of the engine;
– stabilizes tension in electric system;
– can provide in a short space of time with current when consumption of energy exceeds the output power of the generator.
Tight rechargeable batteries standard for all cars. They on the case have no jellied traffic jams. The rechargeable battery is completely tight, apart from two small side openings for ventilation. These air vents allow to disappear to the formed gases.
Tight rechargeable batteries have the following advantages over ordinary rechargeable batteries:
– for durability of rechargeable batteries it is not necessary to add waters;
– the battery is protected from a recharge. If too big tension is brought to the rechargeable battery, it will not accept so much current, how many the ordinary battery. Increase in tension will continue to charge the ordinary battery that leads to gas generation and loss of electrolyte;
– the battery is subject to self-charging as the ordinary battery. It is very important when the car costs in one place long time;
– at the smaller sizes and weight tension and current remained the same.
The rechargeable battery has two indicators:
– the indicator of capacity of the rechargeable battery is defined at 27 °C which at a full charge provides 10,5 B and more;
– the indicator of the rechargeable battery at launch of the cold engine is defined by testing at –18 °C which shows battery power at a provorachivaniye of a bent shaft at the cold engine.
Reserve power of the rechargeable battery is defined as the greatest possible long time for the movement in the night from minimum by electric loading without use of output power of the generator. The expressed in minutes, reserve power (or an indicator E) is necessary time for the full charged rechargeable battery at 27 °C and a discharge current 25 A for achievement on tension plugs in 10,5 Century.
Testing vultures of current at launch of the cold engine is held at –18 °C. The minimum indicator of current which has to be kept by the battery at the set temperature while there is minimum tension in 7,2 Century.
This indicator is measured at launch of the cold engine.
Service life of the rechargeable battery is not boundless. Nevertheless, at appropriate leaving the rechargeable battery will serve many years.
If the rechargeable battery passed test well, but failures in work for no apparent reason come to light, the following factors can be a cause of defect or refusal:
– some device was left included on all night long;
– the car moved to the short periods at a small speed;
– electric loading of the car exceeded the output power of the generator, is frequent with turning on of the non-standard equipment;
– malfunction in system of charging: sliding of a belt of the generator, malfunction of the generator or malfunction of the regulator of tension and t. д;
– misuse of the battery: not carrying out cleaning, fixing of plugs or weakening of clips;
– mechanical malfunctions of electric system: the short-circuited or jammed wires.
Tight rechargeable batteries have the built-in areometer with temperature compensation in its top part used for the following diagnostics:
– when you look at the areometer, make sure that the top part of the battery pure;
– during the normal work two indications have to be received:
The visible green point emergence of green color, the called "green point" means that the battery is ready to testing;
Dark green invisible point – if there are complaints to launch of the cold engine, testing of the battery is necessary. In the same time electric systems and charging have to be checked. There can sometimes be the third condition:
The pure or light yellow color – the level of liquid is lower than an areometer tip. It can become the reason of excessive or long charging, excessive or normal wear of the battery. Therefore charging and electric systems can need check if there are complaints to launch of the cold engine. If the battery – the reason of the complaint to bad launch of the cold engine, replace it.
Check of degree of state of charge of the battery
Electrolyte density together with voltage measurement on conclusions of the rechargeable battery allow to draw an exact conclusion on degree of state of charge of the battery. For check the areometer which can be bought in specialized shop serves. The more electrolyte density, the more rises the areometer float (emerges). On a scale of the areometer of value are expressed in terms of density (g/cm3).
During measurement of density of electrolyte you watch that on the surface of the battery, the body and other details did not fall from a pipette of the areometer the electrolyte drops containing sulfuric acid which causes corrosion and leakages of current.
At measurement of density of electrolyte temperature of electrolyte has to be in limits of 20-30 °C. Density of electrolyte has to be measured in each element (bank) of the rechargeable battery. After measurement of density of electrolyte it is possible establish battery razryazhennost degree.
In all elements electrolyte has to have identical density.
Electrolyte density in completely charged rechargeable battery makes 1,28 g/cm3.
Electrolyte density to the rechargeable battery discharged for 25% makes 1,24 g/cm3.
Electrolyte density to the rechargeable battery discharged for 50% makes 1,20 g/cm3.
Remove the rechargeable battery discharged more than for 25% in the winter and more than for 50% in the summer from the car and recharge.
At measurement of density of electrolyte temperature of electrolyte has to be in limits of 20-30 °C. Density of electrolyte has to be measured in each element (bank) of the rechargeable battery. After measurement of density of electrolyte it is possible establish battery razryazhennost degree.
In all elements electrolyte has to have identical density.
Electrolyte density in completely charged rechargeable battery makes 1,28 g/cm3.
Electrolyte density to the rechargeable battery discharged for 25% makes 1,24 g/cm3.
Electrolyte density to the rechargeable battery discharged for 50% makes 1,20 g/cm3.
Remove the rechargeable battery discharged more than for 25% in the winter and more than for 50% in the summer from the car and recharge.
Charging of the rechargeable battery
The rechargeable battery with a green point shows that charging is not necessary until the battery is discharged as, for example, at launch of the cold engine.
At charging of the rechargeable battery with the pressurized plugs out of the car, establish an adapter. Make sure that all connections of the charger pure and reliable. For the best result the battery has to be charged when electrolyte and plates have room temperature. Extremely cold batteries can not be charged several hours after the beginning of charging.
Charge the rechargeable battery, the green point will not appear yet. In the course of charging the battery has to be checked each 30 min. The inclination or agitation can be necessary for emergence of a green point.
After charging the rechargeable battery has to be tested.
Time necessary for charging of the rechargeable battery depends from:
– the battery size – completely discharged high-capacity battery intended for work in the heavy mode requires time twice bigger, than for charging of the rechargeable battery of the car;
– temperatures – battery charging at –18 °C will require more time, than at 27 °C. When the charger is connected to the cold battery, at first degree of charging will be very low, but in process of growth of temperature of the battery degree of charging will raise;
– abilities of the charger – the charger with current of charging 5 and will demand more time for charging, than the charger with current of charging 30 A or more;
– conditions of a charge – charging of completely discharged battery requires twice more charge, than for gymnastics of two half the discharged batteries because in completely discharged battery electrolyte approaches on structure almost clear water and is a bad conductor. Then, as the loading current leads to increase in content of acid in electrolyte, also charging degree respectively increases.
Before charging disconnect a plus cable and a cable of weight, at first a weight cable from the battery.
Before charging check electrolyte level, if necessary add the distilled water.
Defreeze the frozen battery (the battery in which electrolyte froze) before charging. Completely charged battery freezes at a temperature of -65 °C, the battery half charged – at a temperature of -30 °C, the discharged battery – at a temperature of -12 °C.
Charge the battery only in well aired room. At charging of the installed battery leave a car cowl open.
At normal charging value of charging current makes about 10% of battery capacity. (that is the battery with a capacity of 50 And · has to be charged with current about 5,0 h And). As time of charging it is possible to accept value of 10 h.
Connect a plus conclusion of the rechargeable battery to a plus wire, a minus conclusion of the battery with a minus wire of the charger.
During charging temperature of electrolyte should not exceed +55 °C, if necessary, interrupt charging or reduce value of current of charging.
Charge the battery until in all elements of the battery plentiful liberation of gas does not begin and, at the following consistently one after another in an hour 3 measurements, density of electrolyte and tension will not cease to increase.
After charging check electrolyte level, if necessary add the distilled water.
Charging of completely discharged rechargeable battery
Use the following procedure for a recharge of completely discharged battery:
– measure tension on battery plugs by the exact voltmeter. If value of the measured size below 10 V, current of charging is very low, and it can take some time before the battery accepts excess several milliampere;
– put the charger on the high place. Some chargers have the scheme of protection against the return polarity preventing charging at the wrong connection with battery plugs. Completely discharged battery has no sufficient tension to put this scheme in action even if wires are connected correctly. It will lead to the fact that the battery will not be charged. Therefore follow special instructions of the producer of chargers that the charger turned on and began to charge the battery with low voltage;
– regulators of tension and current are provided in chargers. Time necessary for battery charging depending on various values of tension, are given below.
Time of charging of the rechargeable battery depending on the initial tension of the battery
If the charge received by the battery cannot be measured after the expiration of time of charging, the battery should be replaced.
If the received charge is measured in process of charging, the battery is serviceable, charging should be finished as usual.
If the charge received by the battery is not measured after the expiration of time of charging, the calculated above-stated method, the battery should be replaced.
If the received charge is measured during charging time, then the battery is serviceable and charging should be finished in the usual way.
Care of the rechargeable battery
From time to time it is necessary to perform the following works that the battery served longer and its power was supported maximum.
Always it is necessary to keep the battery and details surrounding it clean. The surface of the battery has to be always dry as differently, between separate banks there can be superficial currents of leak because of what the battery will be discharged in itself.
Level of electrolyte has to be constantly at the ring located from the lower party of the jellied camera. For a doliv it is necessary to use the distilled water.
In cold weather to leave the battery in the loaded state as it (more precisely, electrolyte in it) will freeze. Poorly charged batteries freeze already at a temperature about -10 °C.
Storage of the rechargeable battery
The batteries which are not used a long time are discharged in itself and can be subject to sulphation of plates. If to charge such batteries with the fast-charger, they do not accept charging current and because of, so-called, superficial charging.
Before rejecting the battery, follows check it:
Check electrolyte density. If density in all elements differs no more than on 0:02 g/cm3, the battery should be charged with the charger.
Check the battery after charging under loading. If values do not correspond demanded, the battery is faulty.
Check electrolyte density. If electrolyte density in one or several banks is much lower, than in the others (for example, in five banks density makes 1,16 g/cm3, and in one 1,08 g/cm3), the battery has internal short circuit.
To avoid battery presenilation, it is necessary to charge the battery which is stored, each 3 months.
Self-discharge of the rechargeable battery
Depending on modification of the car consumption of energy of permanent consumers of energy is added to process of a normal self-discharge of the battery. Therefore the battery on not operated car has to be charged time in one and a half months. If there is a suspicion on existence of superficial currents of leak, follows check onboard network of the car.
For check use completely charged battery.
Establish on the ampermeter (with a limit of measurement 0–5 мА and 0-5 A) the highest limit of measurement. Turn on the ampermeter between a minus conclusion of the battery and a cable of weight. Connect a plus wire of the ampermeter to a plus conclusion of the battery, a minus wire of the ampermeter – to a minus conclusion of the battery.
Switch off everything consumers of the electric power, close all doors and a luggage carrier, switch off a plafond of illumination of a motor compartment.
Switch a limit of measurement of the ampermeter towards reduction until any indications appear (admissible value makes 1–3 мА). Taking out one after another safety locks from the block of safety locks, disconnect consistently all electric chains. If at disconnection of one of chains of the indication fall to 0, then in this chain it is necessary to look for a malfunction source. Possible malfunctions: the korrodirovavshy or polluted contacts of electric sockets, the ground wires, internal short circuit in electric equipment elements.
If in the chains of malfunction protected by safety locks it is not revealed, it is necessary to disconnect wires from the devices unprotected by safety locks: generator, starter, elements of system of ignition.
If at shutdown of one of the unprotected chains of the indication of the ampermeter fall to 0, repair or replace the corresponding element. At leakage of current in a starter or system of ignition always check (according to the scheme) the switch of ignition and starter.
Removal and installation of the rechargeable battery
At shutdown of the rechargeable battery from memory of the central block of a control system of the engine and the transmission, anti-blocking system of brakes, and also from memory of some other electric devices, for example, of the radio receiver and hours data on the malfunctions taking place are erased. After connection anew program the corresponding devices. Some serially installed radio receivers have a protective code. The protective code prevents unauthorized use of the radio receiver if its food was disconnected. Power supply of the radio receiver and hours is disconnected if, for example, the rechargeable battery is switched-off, the receiver is removed or the corresponding safety lock fuses.
Turn off nuts and disconnect the "negative" plug and then the "positive" plug from the rechargeable battery.
Turn off a nut of fastening of an arm of support of the rechargeable battery.
Remove an arm of support of the rechargeable battery.
Remove the rechargeable battery.
Before installation clear polar conclusions of the rechargeable battery, the brass wire brush for this purpose will approach. For prevention of corrosion cover battery conclusions with special lubricant.
You carry out installation of the rechargeable battery to the sequences, the return to removal.
Tighten a nut of fastening of an arm of support of the rechargeable battery the moment of 6-8 N · m.
Tighten nuts of fastening of plugs of the rechargeable battery the moment of 9-12 N · m.