8.2.10. Removal and installation of a cowl
Dismantle a cowl.
When replacing the hinge: dismantle a water repeller.
Uncover the block of the relay of the module of management of electronic systems of a body.
When replacing a cover of a cowl, establish isolation.
Adjust a cowl to a wing.
Adjustment of a gap 3 is carried out in points of screwing up 1, and adjustment on height – in points of screwing up 2.
1 – Points of screwing up of a cowl.
2 – Points of screwing up of the hinge of a cowl.
Flatten the end of a rivet by means of nippers 2.
Adjust locking.
Adjusting size (X) = 40–45 mm.
Zakontrite a round nut in the following sequence: The 5th round nut, the 6th twisted spring, the 7th washer, 8 directing pin.
The moment of an inhaling of a round nut and the directing pin – 22 N · m.
Grease the directing pin.
Removal and installation of a forward door
Disconnect the socket of a plait of wires.
Dismantle a door.
Unscrew the fixing screw of fastening of the tape door limiter.
Dismantle tightening plugs of the door hinge.
Apply lubricant of high pressure to lubricant of tightening plugs (number of a detail 90 510 336/number according to the catalog 19 48 606).
Establish a door.
If necessary adjust a forward door.
Observe adjusting gaps.
Adjusting gaps
The sizes of a gap concern the varnished door lobby in a set with all mounted details.