2.4.2. Replacement of engine oil (Z10XE, Z10XEP)
Open a cowl.
Take out an insert of an oil filter 3.
Substitute the reception pallet.
Turn off a cover of the case of an oil filter 1.
Lift the car.
On option of the ECO model: open the service valve 1 in a cover of motor office below, turn out 4 bolts of fastening.
Merge engine oil.
Turn off a carving stopper of a drain opening.
Wrap a carving stopper of a masloslivny opening.
Replace a sealing ring.
Tighten a bolt the moment of 10 N · m.
Remove the reception pallet for oil.
Lower the car.
On option of the ECO model: close the service valve 1 in a cover of motor office below, wrap 4 bolts of fastening.
Establish an insert of an oil filter.
Insert an insert of an oil filter.
Establish a cover of the case of an oil filter.
2 replace a sealing ring.
Cover of the case of an oil filter tighten 10 N · m.
Fill in engine oil.
Observe the ordered filling volume of engine oil.
Start the engine and leave to work until the control lamp of pressure of oil goes out.
Check and, if necessary, modify the level of engine oil.
Only for Z10XEP
Drop data of an interval of servicing.
Dumping given a flexible interval of servicing (ECO Service-Flex)
Indication of a flexible interval of servicing (time and kilometers) can be nullified on a combination of devices. The controller of management of the engine is connected with a combination of devices.
Manual dumping
Switch off ignition. The indicator in a speedometer has to show the counter of a daily run.
Press and hold the dumping button (the button of a daily kilometer run).
Include ignition and wait, indication of service intervals will not switch yet, hold pressed the dumping button not less than 3 pages.
In several seconds the indicator in a speedometer will show a symbol with the maximum run of 34 000 km for the petrol engine or 50 000 km for the diesel engine.
Time counter on the device is installed for 24 months.
The controller of engine management receives a signal on CAN tire, and the condition of oil is established for 100%. Thereby the controller of management of the engine and the indicator are nullified.
Further it is necessary to know that the nullified service indication cannot be staticized again, especially in case there is no magazine of service.
Depending on the passable piece of a way from the moment of the last replacement of motor oil / checkup, most likely, new replacement of engine oil will be required to avoid damage of the engine.
Close a cowl.