
3.3.11. Adjustment of hummock system of the drive of gear shifting (AF13-II)

Check of a mood of hummock system of the drive of gear shifting
Transfer the gear shifting lever consistently to situation P, R, N, D, 3, 2, 1.
At the same time press the fixing head.
The control lever 1 on the transmission has to be fixed respectively: Р 2, R, N, D, 3, 2, 1.
3 on hummock system of the drive of gear shifting unlock the fixing clip up.
Use the suitable screw-driver.
Transfer the gear shifting lever to situation "P".
Translating the gear shifting lever back and forth, without pressing the fixing head, it is necessary to achieve the correct fixing of the lever of gear shifting in situation "P".
1 on the transmission turn a control lever against the stop 2.
Turn forward wheels so that the latch was recorded in a mechanism wheel for deduction of the car on the parking.
Fix the fixing clip 3 on hummock system of the drive of gear shifting.
Press the fixing clip down.